The potential uses of Frameline extend to the worlds of content production, multimedia, broadcast, media distribution, business, education, academia & much more...

Broadcast & Distribution

Value Added services. Broadcasters can use the Programme Metadata generated by the Frameline process to help create a host of complimentary services for viewers. However, streamlining Clip creation for supporting web sites & wireless media portals is just the start, as Frameline can also be used to transform linear media properties into advanced interactive programming. Contact Us today & get a big headstart on your IPTV / Mobile IPTV & enhanced PVR projects.

Broadcast Registration.The sheer volume of media that passes through a Broadcasters hands makes effective Media Asset Management a huge issue & a huge opportunity. Breaking the problem into its smallest component parts, Frameline has devised an elegant & pragmatic solution for wide-scale Broadcast Media Management - The Broadcast Registration Initiative.

The metadata trail

Media Masters are signed-off & transferred from producer to commissioner at the end of a long filtering process, through which a vast amount of data has been accumulated. It is at this point of transfer that a full notation of the media item is created on behalf of the Broadcaster by the Producer. The Registration Initiative is powerful yet simple because it shifts the ongoing burden of asset management from the Broadcaster to the Producer, yet is acceptable to the producer because the notation process only entails a small additional effort towards the tail end of production.


Efficient & Creative Editing. Efficient & Creative Editing. Frameline is ideal for producing preliminary off-line cuts to test out the various combinations & approaches which are an essential part of the creative process. Frameline's capability to re-arrange& re-order video segments on the fly make it a great tool for producers & an invaluable Edit Suite companion.


Archive Creation. Frameline is an ideal tool for creating a Video or Audio Archive. Master video tapes can be processed individually and their file contents 'described'. By exporting the XML descriptions of each Master Tape into a main database, film & tape archives can be built quickly and efficiently into valuable Media Archives.

Please Contact Us to discuss how we can help you design your data structures & build your media archive. It may be easier & more affordable than you think...

Education & Training

Frameline was made for Media Studies. A student who uses Frameline will have a greater understanding of what is going on inside a film & how the elements of narrative & non-narrative communications are constructed. From basic story construction & character transformation to advanced semantic deconstruction, Framelines is the only media software the fits the bill.

Video is a powerful teaching tool and with Framelines capacity to create different versions on the fly, follow selected themes issues & characters, it becomes so much more powerful. What's more, with volumes of rich media being produced by institutions, Framelines powerful capabilities can help release the true potential of this vast teaching resource.

Sports & Sports Training

Without time-based notation a ninety-minute football match is a pretty impenetrable digital media asset. By segmenting events over time, Frameline opens up sports events for flexible re-use & analysis. The possibilities are endless.


Frameline is invaluable for the recording & notation of live events such as keynote speeches, lectures & seminars. For agencies that have clients with significant volumes of video advertising or PR activity, Frameline provides an ideal solution to create an effective instant access corporate media archive.

Science & Research

A powerfull tool for the post-analysis & archiving of experiments captured on video by chemists, biologists & other scientists. Frameline also provides an effective resource for sharing data across the scientific & medical communities. With its rich multi-layered descriptive capabilities, the application is also tailor made for creating interactive medical media.


From CCTV analysis to court-room testimonies, the legal profession is turning increasingly to video and audio as an evidential resource. From CCTV footage to court-room testimonies, the legal profession is turning increasingly to video & audio as an evidential resource.


Purchase a Frameline 47 License for only $299 / Euro 220 / £150

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We intend to add lots of content to this section of the site over the coming months, & would love to hear how you are using Frameline software in your business.

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Enhanced Podcasts from Video
Enhanced Podcast

Frameline 47 Version 2.0 enables the generation of Enhanced Podcasts or EPCs (Audio Files with Timed Pictures & Links) directly from the timeline. This powerful feature is a boon for media organisations like the BBC who regularly produce normal Podcasts from Television Programs. Fast & Effective, we think creating EPC's from Video is really going to catch on.

More Uses...

Media Classification
Media Classification is a complex & time-consuming business. Frameline helps to streamline the process by enabling both violent & sexual content to be tagged by producers & classification boards. Frameline can also be used to re-version entertainment media to make it appropriate for different age classifications.

The animatic is the cornerstone of the creative film making process. Using Frameline to manage the animatic has a significant number of benefits. Shots & Scenes can be continually re-arranged, individual character threads can be examined, as can sub-plots & themes.

The Arts
From capturing performances for archive to choreographic workshops, Frameline has a wealth of potential uses for the arts community.

The theme & character navigational capabilities of Frameline enable film & video professionals to create more engaging & more accessible showreels quickly & easily.

Home Video
Frameline is the ideal tool for personal video collections, especially for managing Camcorder footage. Its disk-saving de-Junk functionality - together with its intuitive notation function make the application either a practical alternative to the Edit Suite, or a powerful companion.

Video Casting
Fifty auditions over four days - how do we keep track ? Use Frameline to combine your written notes with your digitised video. Apply ratings & tag up character names. Easily navigate through hours of casting videos, make short lists & share all the data between the executive & production teams.

Museum Archive
Museums across the world are increasingly making Video records of their historical assets. In a number of cases these video assets are being published for on-line access. With its vast descriptive potential, Frameline is tailor made as the application of choice to empower this exciting process.

Video Help
Frameline 47 features the worlds first interactive Video Help system. The system provides users with a quick & concise explanation of how the various elements that makes up the application work at the click of a button. The possibilities are limitless. If you would like to make a video help system for your application, drop us a line & we will help you.

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Versatile Delivery Systems Ltd.